Join us for the Montreal Anarchist Tech Convergence
The weekend of September 7th and 8th, 2024
In and around Bâtiment 7 Tiohtià:ke (Montreal, Quebec)

Amid the crushing destruction wrought by the sprawling military-industrial complex and the recuperation of the hack by capitalist tech bros, anarchist resistance exists within the cadaverous monster of Leviathan itself.

The Montreal Anarchist Tech Convergence is an opportunity for anarchists to discuss and explore the potential roles of technology in our lives and struggles. Let's learn about security best practices, self-hosted autonomous ways of connecting and finding each other, and media projects that allow us to form international communities of solidarity and how to build stuff out of garbage left behind by capitalism.

Get in touch if you want to know more, or to pitch ideas for workshops, presentation, skillshares, or activities you'd like to contribute: